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Photos for your CV by Weinwurm-Fotografie in 1010 Vienna

Show who's the best for the job!

Get your dream job!

Professional and beautiful photos for the CV in best quality.

Of course, employers or recruiters also make decisions based on sympathy.
The first impression is extremely important.

With a well-designed CV and great application photos, you can collect the first plus points.
In the application pictures you show your personality, who you are and what you can achieve.

KommRat, Meister

Photographer, instructor,
coach und lecturer

Express • application photos

the fast alternative for everyone who is in a hurry!

  • Photos in our express studio
  • white, light blue or dark blue background
  • Choice of 3-4 shoots
  • Instant application photos are not archived

  • printed 4 pieces of the same (3,5 x 4,5 cm)
  • another printed 4 pieces of the same (3,5 x 4,5 cm)
  • Digital 1 file (6x9cm, 709x1063px)

    finishing depending on availability, transmit via WeTransfer

  • Digital 2 files (6x9cm, 709x1063px)

    finishing depending on availability, transmit via WeTransfer

  • each additional digital file (6x9cm, 709x1063px)

    finishing depending on availability, transmit via WeTransfer

  • manual retouching

    of blemishes, cold sores, razor cuts etc. within a few minutes, finishing depending on availability!

Urgent application with time pressure
price range: favorable
Tuesday-Friday 10am-1pm und 2pm-5pm
please book

Recommended packages:

Application photos in studio or one location

Application photos in our portrait studio, manual and better lighting, different backgrounds, different stylings, job-oriented body positions, portrait and landscape format possible.

We specialize in portrait photography. Based on psychological principles around body language, non-verbal signals and color typology, we know how you affect others. Our job is to help you get the best possible application photos.

We continually educate ourselves and study the latest developments.

All photos that have been taken will be archived, including those that have not yet been taken, so they can be reordered at any time.

Please make an appointment, also at short notice/spontaneously!

Tuesday-Friday 10am-1pm und 3pm-5pm

Your advantages with
Weinwurm Photography

+ a specially designed portrait studio
+ styling- and outfit advice
+ welcome-drink
+ better photos - more attention
fair value for your investment
+ more jobinterviews - better jobchances
+ we know how to look good for the job
+ choosing on scientific bases
+ digital workflow & retouching of the choosen pictures
+ 100% Satisfaction guarantee
+ short term appointments and processing
+ Application photos are allowed for job platforms, Facebook, Xing,
      LinkedIn and similar are used
("© Weinwurm Fotografie" put in the description of the picture)

• Starter


die günstige Alternative aber in Studioqualität!

  • one position
  • best portrait lighting system
  • select from up to 5 shots (on next working day)
  • Download-Link via WeTransfer
  • Archiving for later reordering!

  • 1 digital file

    (6x9cm, 709x1063px) with manual retouching. Ready within 24 hours.

  • each further digital file

    (6x9cm, 709x1063px) with manual retouching. Ready within 24 hours.

simply application or for courses
price range: favorable
please book

• Topseller


joborientiert und typgerecht!

  • different positions
  • different backgrounds
  • different croppings
  • best portrait lighting system
  • select from up to 40 - 60 shots (from the next working day)
  • also full body for e.g. airlines
  • Download-Link via WeTransfer
  • Archiving for later reordering!

  • 1 digital file

    (6x9cm, 709x1063px) with manual retouching. Ready within 24 hours.

  • each further digital file

    (6x9cm, 709x1063px) with manual retouching. Ready within 24 hours.

  • change of clothes surcharge

    one change inkluding more positions

  • shootig outdoor surcharge

    nearby our Studio

premium offer
price range: medium
please book

• Topangebot


hohe Auffälligkeit - joborientiert und typgerecht!

  • different positions
  • different backgrounds
  • different croppings matched for triple assembly
  • best portrait lighting system
  • select from up to 40 - 60 shots (from the next working day)
  • also full body for e.g. airlines
  • Download-Link via WeTransfer
  • Archiving for later reordering!

  • 4 digital Files

    3x (6x9 cm/300 dpi, ca. 709x1063px) and the manual composed Triple, with manual retouching. Ready within 24 hours.

  • each further digital file

    (6x9cm, 709x1063px) with manual retouching. Ready within 24 hours.

  • change of clothes surcharge

    one change inkluding more positions

  • shootig outdoor surcharge

    nearby our Studio

job magnet
price range: medium
please book
The first impression counts!

Deciding which application pictures are the most suitable is difficult. You see yourself differently. Good friends or life partners also have a different picture in mind.

An application photo conveys more than just your appearance. We provide objective and targeted advice on the selection. We find the images that stand out from the crowd.


The digital application photos may be used for Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn and similar,
please put the hint in the description of the picture

For publication pictures with release for web or print you need



reading pictures

We are trained in reading hidden statements of posture and body language based on scientific principles. Dabei spielt die Körperhaltung und die Körpersprache eine wichtige Rolle.

After taking the photos, the data is saved on our server, backed up and manually color-optimized and roughly adjusted. This happens throughout the day.

Choosing on the next working day is free.
Choosing right after taking the picture 29€
Online choosing, webportal for 12 months 49€
Contact sheet 49€

Make-Up Artist

What will we do?

Our make-up artists emphasize your advantages with special professional make-up and smoothe the skin.
You will look fresh and well-groomed. Business make-up is subtle and appropriate to the job. Cover redness, mattify with photo powder.

Man in Studio (decent Business) 39€
covering reddening, eye-circles and razor cuts, special photopowder
Hairstyling +15€

Woman in Studio (Business-Styling) 59€
covering reddening, foundation, special photopowder, effective Eye Makeup, Lips and other decorative makeup
Hairstyling short Hair +19€
Hairstyling long Hair +39€

Only with appointment!
For reasons of hygiene, we ask you to bring your own mascara!
But you can also buy one of the professional make-up company Nouba from us.

Customer reviews Emails about the success with our images

We continually receive emails with positive feedback and reports that we found a new job quickly.

We are pleased about this and it confirms the opinion of job consultants and HR consultants.

The news is original and mostly in German, but we don't want to withhold it from you.

All contributions are anonymized for privacy reasons and images are assigned randomly.

Gesendet: Samstag, 22. Mai 2022 um 14:54 Uhr

von: DI Harald L.

Betreff: Heutiger Fototermin

Sehr geehrter Herr Weinwurm,

Ich habe das heute erstellte Bild einem kurzen Test im Freundeskreis unterzogen, und eine sehr gute Rückmeldung erhalten.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Harald L.

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2021 um 19:19 Uhr

von: Kristina T.

Betreff: Vielen lieben Dank!

Sehr geehrter Herr Weinwurm,

vielen Dank für die Zusendung der Bilder und das Daumen drücken.

Vielleicht schon bis bald und dann mit guten Neuigkeiten.

Liebe Grüßen
Ihre neu gewonnene Stammkundin ;)

Kristina T.

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 4. November 2021 um 18:25 Uhr

von: Patricia C.

Betreff: vous a envoyé Bewerbungsfotos par WeTransfer

Das ging ja schnell!
Vielen lieben Dank!
Patricia C.

Gesendet: Freitag, 10. Juli 2020 um 11:34 Uhr

von: Tarik S.

Betreff: Karrierefotos

Liebes Team von Foto Weinwurm,
herzlichen Dank für die tollen Fotos!
LG Tarik S.

Gesendet:Freitag, 3. Juli 2020 um 20:05 Uhr

von: Maria-Christina M.

Betreff: Karriereserie

Vielen Dank für das schnelle Zuschicken, danke an das gesamte Team!
Die Fotos sind sehr schön geworden, habe gestern Bewerbungen rausgeschickt und wurde schon gleich für Dienstag zum erste Bewerbungsgespräch eingeladen! :-)
Liebe Grüße und alles Liebe!
Maria-Christina M.

Gesendet: Montag, 26. Juni 2020 um 14:32 Uhr

von: Angelika R.

Betreff: Sofortbewerbung

Sehr geehrte Frau Weinwurm,
vielen Dank für die tollen Fotos, ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis.
Liebe Grüße,
Angelika R.

Gesendet: Montag, 18. Mai 2020 um 09:26 Uhr

Betreff: Sofortbewerbung
ich möchte mich nochmals bei Ihnen für Ihre kompetente und sehr freundliche Beratung bedanken!
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit den Fotos und habe ja auch, wie Sie bemerkt haben, weit mehr gekauft, als ich vor gehabt habe, weil die Fotos so schön geworden sind :-)
Ich habe Sie auch meiner (ex)-Arbeitskollegin empfohlen, sie braucht auch Bewerbungsfotos ;-)
LG Alexandra P.

Gesendet: Montag, 09. März 2020 um 17:22 Uhr

Von: Elise H.

Betreff: Karrierefotos

Sehr geehrte Frau Weinwurm,
haben Sie vielen Dank für die unkomplizierte und nette Anfertigung meiner Bewerbungsbilder, mit denen ich ausgesprochen zufrieden bin!
Herzliche Grüße und alles Gute Ihnen,
Elise H.

Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Februar 2020 um 19:36 Uhr

Von: Oliver E.

Betreff: Karrierefotos

Bilder sind angekommen.
Nochmals vielen Dank für die schnelle und gute Arbeit!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Oliver E.

gesendet: Donnerstag, 04. April 2019 um 11:36 Uhr

von: Stefan R.

Betreff: Karrierefotos

Liebe Familie Weinwurm,
vielen herzlichen Dank für das tolle Shooting und die wie immer freundliche Betreuung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Stefan R.

Gesendet: Sonntag, 06. Jänner 2019 um 15:10 Uhr

von: Gudrun P.

Betreff: Karrierefotos

Sehr geehrte Frau Weinwurm,
Vielen Dank für die rasche Erledigung
Ich weiß das sehr zu schätzen.
Liebe Grüße
Gudrun P.

Gesendet: Freitag, 09. Februar 2018 um 18:13 Uhr

von: Stefan T.

Betreff: Karrierefotos

Liebe Familie Weinwurm!
Vielen Dank für die professionellen Fotos.
Stefan T.

    Application for actor school

    Application with change of clothes

    Application for airlines also full body

    Questions about
    starting your new career

    On this page we try to answer frequently asked questions, only german available.